Translation of the song 瞳の中の地球 artist Dragon Ball (OST)
The World in Your Eyes
あなたの瞳に ちいさな地球がある
There's a small world in your eyes
夢見る瞬間(とき)に ほら 廻りはじめるの
Look - it's starting to spin in a time of dreams
あなたがいつしか 大人になった日も
Though one day you'll become an adult
おんなじように 瞳 輝くように
Your eyes will be the same, as though sparkling
Tell the future
優しさこそ 力になること
Because your wishes will come true
When you've gathered your thoughts
Of things such as kindness and helping
両手を伸ばして 空を抱いてごらん
Try to reach out your hands and grasp the sky
陽差しも そっと 抱きしめてくれるでしょう
You might even softly embrace the sunlight
生きている地球 生きている生命(すべて)が
The living world, everything that's alive
あなたのエナジー いつも 受けとめている
All receive your energy, always
Embrace the future
愛してると 心を伝えて
Tell your heart to keep loving
Because a feeling of forgiveness
奇蹟さえも 起こすから
Surpasses even miracles
Tell the future
この地球に 生きてる喜び
When you connect your heart
To the joy living in this world
天に届く 祈りになるわ
It becomes a prayer that reaches heaven