Translation of the song ~光の彼方へ~ artist Dragon Ball (OST)
Good-Bye Mr. Loneliness ~Beyond the Light~
不思議さその瞳 想い返すたび
It's a wonder every time those eyes return my feelings
この胸優しい 風が流れる
A gentle wind flows through my heart
どこか淋しげな 遠い背中の
Somewhere, your distant form is lonely
傷さえ輝く 光に変わる
Even my wounds shine, changing into light
誇り高き 魂よ
My soul is proud
心解き放ち さあ旅立て
My heart unleashed - now, I'll set off
Good-Bye Mr.Loneliness 光の彼方へ
Goodbye Mr. Loneliness, beyond the light
孤独を安らぎに 変えて眠れ
Rest will change the loneliness into comfort
Good-Bye Mr.Loneliness 永遠の旅路へ
Goodbye Mr. Loneliness, onto the eternal journey
生命(いのち)の温もりを 抱いて 眠れ
Rest will hold onto the warmth of life
たとえばもう二度と 会えやしなくても
For example, even if we never meet again
I won't forget your overflowing courage
人は独り生まれ 独り逝くけど
People are born alone, and although left alone,
大事な未来を 残してくれる
They hold on to the precious future
くじけそうな 時はきっと
Time is surely weakened
きっとその笑顔 想い出すから
Because I'll surely think of your smile
Good-Bye Mr.Loneliness 遠い国から
Goodbye Mr. Loneliness, from a distant land
力を勇気を 投げて欲しい
I want to throw forth courage and power
Good-Bye Mr.Loneliness 永遠の別れに
Goodbye Mr. Loneliness, to an eternal farewell
明日の輝きを 約束しよう
Let's make a promise to the sparkling of tomorrow