Translation of the song Yarim Yarim artist Volkan Konak


Yarim Yarim

English translation


Sevdan ile düştüm yaban ellere

With your love I left for the foreign

Dalıp çıktım ateşlere küllere

Immersed, turned into flames and ashes

Giyin de bir çarık

Put on your sandals

Gel ardım sıra

And follow me

Dağlara yollara çöllere

To the mountains, roads, deserts

Diyardan diyara bir yol

Road from land to land

Sor beni yarim yarim

Ask me, my beloved

Bul beni yarim yarim

Find me, my beloved

Gör beni yarim yarim

See me, my beloved

Ah beni beni

Ah, me

Sen kalem ol ben de kağıt

You're a pen, I'm a paper

Yaz beni yarim yarim

Write on me, my beloved

Çiz beni yarim yarim

Draw me, my beloved

Çöz beni yarim yarim

Solve me, my beloved

Ah beni beni

Ah, me

Kurban olam kalem tutan ellere

I'll fall a victim to the hands that hold a pen

Dertli dertli name çalan tellere

To the strings that play sad motives

Yanık yanık türkü diyen dillere

To the tongues that sing touching folksongs

Dağlara yollara çöllere

To the mountains, roads, deserts

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