Translation of the song Mahzen artist Özgün



English translation


Bilsen neleri affettim?

I you know how many times i have forgiven you!

Neler feda ettim?

How much i have sacrificed!

Zaman zor geçti ama geçti

It was a hard time, but it has passed

Her şey birdenbire nasıl değişti?

How everything has changed suddenly!

Ama ben sana veda ettim

But i have said goodbye to you

Kalem kâğıt ağlarken

while the pen and paper were crying

Kalanını feda ettim

i sacrificed with what was left behind

Bir ihtimal bağlarken

while there was a chance to reconnect

Ben bilirim bunu zaten

I already know this

İki göz gibi bazen

it sometimes like two eyes

Birbirini görmezken

while ignoring each other

Aynı yerde birleşen

who are merging in the same place

Sen, ben gibi kalpten

you are heartedly like me

Seven anlaşır madem

since the one who loves understands

Beni boğdu bu mahzen

this cellar has choked(strangled) me

Elini tutup çıkıp gitsem

what if i come, grab your hands and go!?

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