Translation of the song 学生時代 artist Peggy Hayama
Student days
つたのからまるチャペルで 祈りを捧げた日
I remember those days full of dreams
夢多かりしあの頃の 想い出をたどれば
When I prayed in the chapel entwined with ivies
なつかしい友の顔が 一人一人浮かぶ
The nostalgic faces of my friends come to mind one by one
重いカバンをかかえて かよったあの道
Like that road where I went back and forth with my heavy bag
秋の日の図書館の ノートとインクのにおい
The library in autumn, the smell of ink in the notes
枯葉の散る窓辺 学生時代
The window where dead leaves fall, the student days
讃美歌を歌いながら 清い死を夢みた
While I was singing the hymn, I was dreaming of a noble death
何のよそおいもせずに 口数も少なく
I didn't wear outfits nor spoke too much
胸の中に秘めていた 恋への憧れは
The yearning for a love that I hid in my chest
いつもはかなくやぶれて 一人書いた日記
Was always losing in vain and wrote it in my diary alone
本棚に目をやれば あの頃読んだ小説
When I look at the bookshelf, there are novels that I read back then
過ぎし日よ 私の学生時代
Days that passed, my student days
ロウソクの灯に輝く 十字架をみつめて
Staring at the cross shining with candles
白い指を組みながら うつむいていた友
My friend was looking down while joining her hands
その美しい横顔 姉のように慕い
I adored her beautiful profile like my sister
いつまでも変わらずにと 願った幸せ
And wished that never changed
テニス・コート キャンプ・ファイヤー なつかしい 日々は帰らず
The tennis court, the campus fire, nostalgic days that won't return
素晴らしいあの頃 学生時代
A wonderful time, the student days
素晴らしいあの頃 学生時代
A wonderful time, the student days