Translation of the song Etme utan utan artist Selda Bağcan
Etme utan utan
Don't, be ashamed
ben bir işçi vatandaşım
I'm a worker citizen
zaten belalıdır başım
I'm already in trouble
soya soya bitti işim
They always steal from me, and it was finished
etme utan utan
Don't, be ashamed
yapma utan utan
Don't, be ashamed
neden hakkımı vermiyon
Why don't you give my rights
dünya gözüyle görmüyon
Why don't you see this secular?
bir garnımı doyurmuyon
Why don't you give my salary
etme utan utan
Don't, be ashamed
yapma utan utan
Don't, be ashamed
atlı iken kaldık yayan
When we were fine, they destroyed it
rezil ettin şu dünyaya
They dishonered us
bizi sattın almanya’ya
You sold us to Germany*
etme utan utan
Don't, be ashamed
yapma utan utan
Don't, be ashamed
akarsuyum yaşamam ki
My water flows
yaş tahtaya basamam ki
I won't be cheated
ozanım ben susamam ki
I'm a bard I cant shut my mouth up
etme utan utan
Don't, be ashamed
yapma utan utan
Don't, be ashamed