Translation of the song Et recordo artist Txarango
Et recordo
I Remember You
T'imagino constant
I think of you constantly
a través de les nits fredes.
through the cold nights.
Et recordo constant
I remember you constantly
a través dels dies tendres.
through the tender days.
La mà als cabells i acaronant...
My hand stroking your hair…
Per tu viuré tot el que hauríem viscut plegats.
For you I will live through everything we would have lived together
La teva llum es va apagar,
You light has gone out
ja sols em queda protegir el què em vas deixar
I only have to protect what you left for me
i creure...
And believe…
Que tot està per fer.
That everything has yet to be done
Pots anar-te'n tranquil·la, estarem bé.
You can go calmly, we'll be fine.
Buscar i descobrir
To search and discover
tota la vida que deixes viu en mi.
All the life you've left lives in me.
Hem de caminar
We have to walk
malgrat que avui ens faci mal,
even though today is hurting us,
sobrevolar les pors
overcome our fears,
i mirar endavant.
and keep looking ahead.
Et somio constant,
I dream of you constantly,
aixoplugant-te de la pressa.
sheltering you from the rush.
Et desitjo constant,
I yearn for you constantly,
la teva flama encara encesa.
your flame still alight.
Recordo el temps al teu costat,
I remember the time spent by your side,
bocins de vida que no deixo anar mai.
pieces of life that I'll never let go.
La teva llum es va apagar,
Your light has gone out,
ja sols em queda protegir el què em vas deixar i creure...
I only have to protect what you left for me, and believe…
Que tot està per fer.
That everything has yet to be done
Pots anar-te'n tranquil·la, estarem bé. Buscar i descobrir
You can go calmly, we'll be fine. To search and discover
tota la vida que deixes viu en mi.
All the life you've left lives in me.
Hem de caminar
We have to walk
malgrat que avui ens faci mal, sobrevolar les pors
even though today is hurting us, overcome our fears,
i mirar endavant.
and keep looking ahead.
Et trobaré a les estrelles cada nit.
I'll find you amongst the stars every night
Buscar i descobrir
To search and discover
tota la vida s'amaga ara i aquí
Life embitters itself here and now
Hem de caminar
We have to walk
i buscarem un nou demà,
and we'll look for a new tomorrow,
sobrevolar les pors
overcome our fears
i mirar endavant.
and keep looking ahead.
Que tot està per fer.
Everything has yet to be done.
Pots anar-te'n tranquil·la, estarem bé. Buscar i descobrir
You can go calmly, we'll be fine. To search and discover
tota la vida que deixes viu en mi.
All the life you've left lives in me.
Hem de caminar
We have to walk
malgrat que avui ens faci mal, sobrevolar les pors
even though today is hurting us, overcome our fears,
i mirar endavant.
and keep looking ahead.