Translation of the song Les coses senzilles artist Txarango


Les coses senzilles

English translation

The simple things

La vida és tant fràgil,

Life is so fragile,

és tant fràgil estar aquí

it is so fragile to be here

recorrent el camí,

trudging on the path,

comprenent el mandala

understanding the mandala

T'ho posaré fàcil

I'll say it simply for you

sé que demà no estarem vius.

I know we won't be alive tomorrow.

No estarem vius.

We will not be alive.

Tu i jo serem uns altres.

You and I will be some others.

I reptes, llocs i gent

And challenges, places and people

seran només pols en el temps.

they will be just dust in time.

Som de vent i ales.

We are wind and wings.

Som de vent i ales.

We are wind and wings.

Provant de viure lent

Trying to live slow

anem cuidant d'aquest present.

let us take care of this present.

D'aquest present.

of this present.

He vist la mort vetllar el meu llit

I have seen death guard my bed

i sé que serà bonic deixar aquest cos a terra.

and I know it will be nice to leave this body to the ground.

Perquè ressoni a l'infinit, he fet

Because it resonates with infinity, I did

aquesta cançó per no guanyar cap guerra.

this song to not win any war.

Tenim el cor rebel.

We have a rebellious heart.

La vida és tant fràgil,

Life is so fragile,

és tant fràgil estar aquí

it is so fragile to be here

recorrent el camí,

walking the path,

agraint cada passa

appreciating every step

T'ho posaré fàcil

I'll say it simply for you

sé que demà no estarem vius.

I know we won't be alive tomorrow.

No estarem vius.

We will not be alive.

Tu i jo serem uns altres.

You and I will be some others.

I reptes, llocs i gent

And challenges, places and people

seran només pols en el temps.

they will be just dust in time.

Som de vent i ales.

We are wind and wings.

Som de vent i ales.

We are wind and wings.

Provant de viure lent

Trying to live slow

anem cuidant d'aquest present.

let us take care of this present.

D'aquest present.

From this present.

He vist la mort vetllar el meu llit

I have seen death guard my bed

i sé que serà bonic deixar aquest cos a terra.

and I know it will be nice to leave this body to the ground.

Perquè ressoni a l'infinit, he fet

Because it resonates with infinity, I did

aquesta cançó per no guanyar cap guerra.

this song to not win any war.

Tenim el cor rebel.

We have a rebellious heart.

Tant difícil dir-nos les coses senzilles

So hard to tell each other the simple things

Tant difícil fer-nos mes fàcil la vida

So hard to make our lives easier

Tu ja ho saps a vegades no trobo el camí

You know it already - sometimes I don’t find the way

i al final d'aquest laberint només hi ha

and at the end of this maze there is only

Només hi ha un t'estimo.

There is only an I love you.

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