Translation of the song Que tot et vagi bé artist Txarango


Que tot et vagi bé

English translation

May Everything Go your Way

Haurem pogut recollir l'aire al seu pas,

We could have gathered the air as it passed,

recórrer el món i sentir el cel a l'abast.

crossed the world and felt the sky within reach.

Haurem pogut viure el que havíem somiat

We could have lived what we dreamt of

sense res més que una guitarra, entre les mans.

with nothing more than a guitar, between our hands.

I no hem mirat enrere mai,

And we've never looked back.

hi ha nits que encara ens pesen.

There are still nights that weigh us down.

Però no hem deixat de caminar.

But we haven't stopped walking.

Que tot et vagi bé.

May everything go your way.

Que trobis tot allò que busques.

May you find all you are searching for.

Que et sigui lleu la direcció.

May your path be light.

I vinguin plens de melodies els nous dies,

May new days come full of melodies,

que siguis fort. Que tot et vagi bé. Que tot et vagi bé.

Be strong! May everything go your way. May everything go your way.

Recordarem mil carreteres plegats

We will remember a thousand roads together.

la lluna roja i les sirenes del mar,

The red moon and the mermaids in the sea

els gratacels de les més grises ciutats

The skyscrapers in the greyest of cities

i les estrelles sobre el riu al cor de la Casamance.

And the stars above the river in the heart of Casamance.

I a poc a poc ens hem fet grans.

And little by little we grew up.

Hi ha nits que encara ens pesen,

There are still nights that weigh us down.

però no hem deixat de caminar.

But we haven't stopped walking.

Que tot et vagi bé.

May everything go your way.

Que trobis tot allò que busques.

May you find all you are searching for.

Que et sigui lleu la direcció.

May your path be light.

I vinguin plens de melodies els nous dies,

May new days come full of melodies,

que siguis fort. Que tot et vagi bé. Que tot et vagi bé.

Be strong! May everything go your way. May everything go your way.

Si plores

If you cry

quan la ciutat dorm

when the city sleeps,

que una bella cançó

May a beautiful song

porti de l'infinit

bring from the infinite

estels que et facin foc

stars that offer you the fire

per arribar al matí.

to get to the morning.

Riu i crida

Laugh and shout

A com ho vam fer abans

like we had before

quan vivíem jugant

when we lived and played

i res no era important.

and nothing was important.

Només seguir cantant

Only continuing to sing

i fer ballar el camí.

and making the road dance.

I no hem mirat enrere mai,

And we've never looked back.

hi ha nits que encara ens pesen.

There are still nights that weigh us down.

Però no hem deixat de caminar.

But we haven't stopped walking.

Que tot et vagi bé.

May everything go your way.

Que trobis tot allò que busques.

May you find all you are searching for.

Que et sigui lleu la direcció.

May your path be light.

I vinguin plens de melodies els nous dies,

May new days come full of melodies,

que siguis fort. Que tot et vagi bé. Que tot et vagi bé...

Be strong! May everything go your way. May everything go your way.

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