Translation of the song Tant de bo artist Txarango
Tant de bo
Tant de bo sigui llarg el viatge,
Hopefully, the journey will be long.
tant de bo que l'equipatge a cada passa pesi menys.
Hopefully, the luggage will weight less with every step.
Tant de bo que quan tornis a casa
Hopefully, when you come back home,
no t'atrapi la llàgrima als ulls, que passis full.
it won't catch the tear in your eyes, [hopefully] you'll turn the page.
Tant de bo la mentida no vagi mai vestida
Hopefully, the lie won't ever be dressed
i que et porti el vent quan vingui el llop.
and the wind will carry you when the wolf comes.
Tant de bo que la por no s'abraci a la pena...
Hopefully, the fear won't hug the sorrow...
oh no no!
Oh, no, no!
Tant de bo et sedueixi el paisatge,
Hopefully, you'll be seduced by the landscape.
tant de bo que els fantasmes ja no mirin sota el llit,
Hopefully, the ghosts won't look under the bed anymore,
que la nit no t'apagui l'espelma, que es fongui el neguit
the night won't put your candle out, the worry will disappear.
tant de bo et doni un fil i no et tallin les ales.
Hopefully, it will give you a thread, and you won't get your wings cut.
Caure sobre vellut, que no et donis per vençut,
[Hopefully] You'll fall on velvet, you won't give up.
tant de bo un dia el nord sigui sud... oh!
Hopefully, one day the North will be South... Oh!
i que t'envolti la gent de mirada transparent.
And, you'll be surrounded by clear-gazed people.
Tant de bo sigui llarg el viatge,
Hopefully, the journey will be long.
tant de bo que mil paraules valguin més que una imatge.
Hopefully, a thousand words will be worth more than an image.
Tant de bo acabi en taules la partida,
Hopefully, the match will end in a tie,
que la vida fos més innocent, un joc de nens.
the life will be more innocent, a children's game.
Tant de bo passi un tren cada dia,
Hopefully, there's a train every day,
que la fi del món no tingui final de via.
the end of the world won't have end of the way.
Tant de bo quedi pres qui empresona,
Hopefully, the imprisoner will be imprisoned,
que coneguis la felicitat en persona.
you'll meet the happiness face to face.
Tant de bo dos i dos sumin quatre,
Hopefully, two and two will be four.
tant de bo creure en la màgia no sigui cosa de tres.
Hopefully, believing in magic won't be something of just one man and his dog.
Tant de bo que la sang fos germana
Hopefully, the blood was sister,
i no l'arma dels impotents, que caiguin panys.
and not the weapon of the powerless, [hopefully] locks will fall.
Tant de bo s'obrin totes les portes
Hopefully, every door will open
i et rebin amb un Benvinguts!.
and you'll be received with a Welcome!.
Tant de bo que la vida no fos batalla
Hopefully, the life won't be a battle,
i que et tregui a ballar quan balla.
and it'll ask you to dance when it's dancing.