Translation of the song Ker tu je vse tako lepo artist Koala Voice
Ker tu je vse tako lepo
Because Everything's So Good Here
Ker tu je vse tako lepo,
Because everything's so good here
tu nič me ne boli.
Nothing hurts here
Jan je nehal piti kavo,
Jan stopped drinking coffee
Tilen dolge ima lase,
Tilen has long hair
nasloni se na mojo ramo,
He leans on my shoulder
Alica drogira se,
Alica takes drugs
Špela ti pokaže joške,
Špela shows you her boobs
Denis seksa za denar,
Denis has sex for money
Janko ubija svoje moške,
Janko kills his men
Metka hodi v striptiz bar
Metka goes to a strip club
Ker tu je vse tako lepo,
Because everything's so good here
tu nič me ne boli.
Nothing hurts here
Spet sem nehal piti kavo,
I stopped drinking coffee again
in predolge imam lase,
And my hair is too long
sonce mi nabija v glavo,
The sun is pounding into my head
prvi pride, prvi gre,
He comes first, he goes first
Petra maha ti z Berlina,
Petra waves to you from Berlin
Sanja piše v Pariz,
Sanja writes to Paris
deliva si vse skrivnosti,
We share all of our secrets
včasih dereva si jih.
Sometimes we shout them to each other
Ker tu je vse tako lepo,
Because everything's so good here
tu nič me ne boli.
Nothing hurts here