Translation of the song Vertigo artist Koala Voice
Samo igramo se dokler ne umremo in potem sonce eksplodira v solzah in ljudje se razpše.
We just play until we die and then the sun explodes in tears and people disperse.
Držal jo je za roko, ko sta tekla in ni spustil, ko ju je dohitelo. Iz človeka je zgradila totem in iz kovine je nastal metulj. Vse je kul, jaz nisem lačen in ti nisi žejna. Samo po radiu so bile predolgo le novice o bombah pa so otroci nemirni. Boriva se proti velikanskim mlinom na veter. Odpihnili so mi klobuk in tebi obleko. Gola zdaj stojiva pred tem obtožujočim svetom.
He held her hand as they ran and didn’t let go when it caught up with them. She built a totem out of man and a butterfly out of metal. Everything is cool, I'm not hungry and you're not thirsty. Only on the radio for too long was the news about the bombs, and the children are restless. We fight giant windmills. They blew off my hat and your suit. Naked, we now stand before this accusing world.
Ko pogledam ven, vse se majhno zdi, ti si vertigo.
When I look out, everything seems small, you are vertigo.
Daj opazi me, tu sem, čakam te, vem da vidiš me.
Come on, notice me, I'm here, I'm waiting for you, I know you see me.
Ta pesem žal ne zna, rešiti oba, ustaviti sveta.
This song unfortunately doesn’t know how to save us both, how to stop the world.
Da se spremeni, si povedal mi, to je vertigo.
To change, you told me, it’s vertigo.
Pridi v ta vrtinec, skoči z mano vanj. Pred nama je noro življenje, četudi težek dan.
Come into this vortex, jump into it with me. We have a crazy life ahead of us, even if it's a hard day.
Vse se vrti v vrtincu in tudi midva sva v njem. Gledava kam naju nese in kam letiva. Srečo in žalost objemava, se upirava, ne da bi se za trenutek izpustila ali umaknila pogled. Letiva v njem vse više, vse više, greva gor in okrog in se razdeliva. In zadaneva ob tla. V središču orkana je mir.
Everything revolves in a whirlpool and we are in it too. We look where it takes us and where we fly. We embrace happiness and sorrow, we resist without letting go or looking away for a moment. We fly in it more and more, more and more, we go up and around and split up. And we hit the ground. At the heart of the hurricane is peace.
Ko pogledam ven, vse se majhno zdi, ti si vertigo.
When I look out, everything seems small, you are vertigo.
Ta pesem žal ne zna, rešiti oba, ustaviti sveta.
This song unfortunately doesn’t know how to save us both, how to stop the world.