Translation of the song Nena artist Andrés Calamaro
Nena (Baby)
Nena tendría que agarrate de los pelos
Baby I'd have to grab you by your locks
y arrastrarte hasta las puertas del cielo.
and drag you all the way to the doors of heaven.
Y que veas que no hay un viejo bueno
And then you'll see that there's no good man
esperando para darte consuelo.
waiting to console you.
Y tampoco estan los amigos que se fueron
And neither are there the friends that departed
pisando la orilla del mar en enero.
stepping on the edge of the ocean in January.
Nena que veas que existe
Baby see that there exists
y que no hay otro lugar tan triste
and there is no other place more saddening
Nena que fueras la primera que supiera
Baby would you be the first to know
que frio pueda ser en primavera.
that coldness could exist in spring.
Y bajemos al infierno tan caliente y tan prohibido
And we'd descend to the inferno so hot and so prohibited
y que veas que no es nada divertido.
and you'll see that it's nothing fun at all.
Nena no te quiero asustar
Baby I don't want to frighten you
pero si no es para los dos
but if it's not for the two of us
ningun lugar te va a gustar.
neither place will please you.
Nena tendría que agarrate de los pelos
Baby I'd have to grab you by your locks
y arrastrarte hasta las puertas del cielo.
and drag you all the way to the doors of heaven.
Y que veas que no hay un viejo bueno
And then you'll see that there's no good man
esperando para darte consuelo.
waiting to console you.
Nena que fueras la primera que supiera
Baby would you be the first to know
que frio pueda ser en primavera.
that coldness could exist in spring.
Y bajemos al infierno tan caliente y tan prohibido
And we'd descend to the inferno so hot and so prohibited
y que veas que no es nada divertido.
and then you'll see that it's nothing fun at all.
Nena no te quiero asustar
Baby I don't want to frighten you
pero si no es para los dos
but if it's not for the two of us
ningun lugar te va a gustar.
neither place will please you.