Translation of the song OK Perdón artist Andrés Calamaro
OK Perdón
Okay I'm Sorry
Yo no quise lastimarte,
I didn't want to hurt you,
solamente te dije que no,
I only told you no,
no estarás acostumbrada a sentirte rechazada,
you would not be used to feeling rejected,
OK perdón, fue sin querer.
okay I'm sorry, it was an accident.
Yo no quise caminarte,
I didn't want to walk from you,
y llego el momento de correr,
and the moment for running arrived,
hay que salvar el alma,
the soul had to be rescued,
pero con calma vas a poder,
but with patience you'll be able to do it,
Donde lloran las gaviotas,
Where the seagulls cry,
vamos juntos a llorar,
we're going to cry together,
no te preocupes no se te nota,
don't worry, you won't be noticed,
que no sabes encajar.
because you don't know how to fit in.
Supongo que dolió un poco,
I guess it hurt a little,
si fue la primera vez,
it was the first time,
pero hay que ser fuerte,
but one must be strong,
contra la corriente tambien.
even against the flow.