Translation of the song Buka dhe çeliku artist Agim Prodani
Buka dhe çeliku
The bread and the steel
1.Vrapojne vogelushen neper ara
1. The children spread around the farmfields
Toka buzeqesh e thote: keta c’jane
The land smiles asking what they’re doing here
Te rinj te reja e veteran
Young people and veterans
Mbledhin kallinjte duarplote.
Hands full collecting wheat stalks
2.Hapem tarracat thelle ne male
2. We carved terraces in remote mountains
Zhdukem mocalet dhe keneten
We drained marshes and the swamps
Thame buken do ta bejme vete.
We vowed to produce the bread ourselves.
E do ta mbajme kete premtim
And we will keep this promise
- Refreni
- Chorus
Token e duam o si lirine
We love the land like the freedom
Rrisim grurin o si femine
We grow the wheat like caring for children
Ne syte tona sheh lumturine
In our eyes one sees the happiness
Eshte gazi i jetes se re.
It is the joy of the new life.
Ngrehu hidh vallen o ne gezime
Get up, dance, and be happy
Shqiperia jone gjithnje trime
Our always brave Albania
Per ty celin o vec agime
Your sky knows only dawns
Eshte kenge e jetes se re.
It is the song of the new life.
3. Toka nen vehte kishte hekur
3. The land beneath itself had iron
Ne shekuj flinte minerali
The mineral sleeping there for centuries
Plorin prej druri kish fshatari
Wooden used to be peasant’s plow
Endrra e metalit digjej zjarr.
The dream about metal burning ablaze.
4. Por duhej vite te kalonin
4. But it took years of time
Me keto duar te shkrijme celikun
With these hands to get to melt the steel
Ta ngrinim lart Metalurgjikun
High up to build the Metallurgy
Drite e mburoje per atdhe.
A light and shield for homeland.
- Refreni
- Chorus
Token e duam o si lirine
We love the land like the freedom
Rrisim grurin o si femine
We grow the wheat like caring for children
Ne syte tona sheh lumturine
In our eyes one sees the happiness
Eshte gazi i jetes se re.
It is the joy of the new life.
Ngrehu hidh vallen o ne gezime
Get up, dance, and be happy
Shqiperia jone gjithnje trime
Our always brave Albania
Per ty celin o vec agime
Your sky knows only dawns,
Kenge e fitoreve.
Song of victories.
Na ndrit ky diell si ar
This sun shines on us like gold
na buzeqesh kjo jete
This life smiles on us
Lum per ty moj Parti.
Congratulations my Party.
Flakeron çelik shqiptar
Albanian steel flares
Vallezon o grure si det
Wheat fields dance like sea
Lum per ty Shqiperi.
Lucky you Albania.