Translation of the song Kenge per Mujo Ulqinakun artist Agim Prodani
Kenge per Mujo Ulqinakun
Song for Mujo Ulqinaku
1.Permbi tradhetine
1.Over the betrayal,
Me nje grusht fisheke
With a handful of bullets
Flamurin si gjaku
The blood-red banner
E ngrite perpjete
You raised high.
2.Sonte permbi dallge
2.Tonight through sea waves
Degjoj zene e tija
I hear his loud voice.
Si keshtjelle qendron vigane
“It stands a mighty castle
S’bie Shqiperia.
Albania doesn’t fall dawn.
- Refreni
- Chorus
S’tu tremb syri kur u nxi deti
Didn’t blink the eye as the seas darkened
Vapor e avione.
With warships, aircrafts.
Sec ia bere Mujo fora!
The world wide couldn’t believe your bravery
Mbi 40 milione.
Against 40 millions.
3.Mujua nuk njeh vdekje
3.Mujo defies death
Do te rroje perjete
He will live forever
Mujua e liria,
Mujo and the freedom,
Populli i tija.
His own people.
4.Do t’lulezoje kjo toke
4. This land will blossom
Do t’kete vec pranvere.
It’ll know nothing but spring
Se shqiptari ne bedena
At the battlements the Albanian
Do te qendroje perhere.
Will always stand watchful.
- Refreni 2x
- Chorus 2x