Translation of the song Nusja e maleve artist Agim Prodani
Nusja e maleve
The bride of the mountains
1.Mbete vec shtate dite e veshur si nuse
1.Just seven days dressed as bride
Shote o yll i bukurise
Shote, pretty good-looking
Eh sa shpejt pushoi sharkia e lodra
So early sharkia and lodra were halted.
Enderr mbet per ty jave e nuserise.
A faraway memory the bridal week.
Nina nana, jo, prane djepit s’kendove
Llullabys you did not sing by the cradle
Pushka te kendoi moj burrneshe
You made the rifle sing, you bravehart.
- Refreni
- Refrain
Ndeze fushe e tunde mal
Moved the valleys and shook the mountains
E hajde, pushka kurre s’tu ndal
And your rifle never quiet
Mes trimave, vetetimave, Shota leshoi kushtrim
Among the braves like thunder Shota launched the battle cry
Tanë vatani tym e flake
Smoke and fire entire land
Ti si yll-o prag me prag
You, a light in every home
Nje flamur moj burrneshe ngrite lart.
The banner was raised high by you braveheart.
Hyre ti mes kengeve,
Entered in the songs,
Shote moj bije e halleve
Shote, the daughter of the sufferings
Dhe mbete nusja e maleve
And remained the bride of the mountains.
2.Trima legjendare mes plageve kujtoje
2.Legendary heroes in wounds, you recalled
Kur qelloje mbi krajli
While firing at the krajl kingdom
Ty te lumte moj bije se faqen na zbardhe
Be proud, daughter, our honors got defended
Pushka jote, heu, shkrepi per liri
Your rifle fired, hey, for freedom
Nuse e maleve, ty trimat te thirren
The braves called you the bride of the mountains.
Histori te rralle shkrove
Remarkable history you wrote.
- Refreni
- Refrain