Translation of the song Partizani i vogel artist Agim Prodani


Partizani i vogel

English translation

The young partisan

Ti je kaq i vogel

You are too young

Bir o bir i nenes

Dear son of mine

Si do shkosh ne male

How would you go up the mountains

Me partizane.

To the partisans.

Jashte po fryn murlani

Outside, the blizzard is blowing

Rruga eshte e gjate

The road is long

Gjyshja lot do te derdhe

Grandmother will shed tears

Kur te kujtoj.

When will think of you.

O nene e dashur, eh sa shoke si une

Dear mother, many friends like me

Shkuan ne mal dhe prinderit vet i lane

Went to the mountains and parents themselves agreed

Po thuam valle mos jane ata me trima se une

But tell me, are they really braver than me

E nenat s’menduan per ta.

And mothers didn't care about them.

- Refreni 2x

- Refrain 2x

Harrove ti lodrat e tua

You did not think of games any more

Atdheu te dha nje pushke ne krah

The fatherland gave you a rifle on arm

Edhe te nisi bashke me shoket

And had you parted together with friends

O trimi yne, o i vogli partizan.

Our braveheart, little young partisan.

Qeshte komisari

The commissar laughed

Qeshte komandanti

The commander laughed

Eh sa here me thoshin

How many times they said

O vogelush.

“Young kid,

Bombat jane te renda

The grenades are heavy

Eshte i rende gjerdani

Heavy is the bullet belt.

Pushka eshte e gjate

The rifle is long,

Ti s’e mban dot

You can not hold it

Ne shtigje malesh nuk kane fund marshimet

On mountain trails the marches are endless

E rende vertet eshte pushka partizane

True, it’s heavy the partisan rifle

Ajo s’degjoi prej meje kurre ankime

It never heard me complain though

Por shkrepi gjithmone ne lufte per liri.

But always fired in the fight for freedom.

- Refreni 2x

- Refrain 2x



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