Translation of the song Дед Максим artist Unknown Artist (Russian)
Дед Максим
Old Maxim
Вот и помер дед Максим
Here lies Old Maxim
Да и хуй остался с ним,
And his dick lies with him
Положили его в гроб,
In the coffin, he was buried
Хуй уперся в потолок.
To the ceiling, his dick hits.
Он здоровенный был мужик,
He was a very mighty man
Он на хую вертел шашлык,
He had used it as a pan
Хуем грядки он копал,
With his dick, he dug beds
Хуем грядки поливал.
With his dick, he watered them.
А соседку тётю Зину
And his neighbor, missis Zina
Он ебал через корзину,
Through the basket, he had fucked
А соседа дядю Гришу
And the neighbor, mister Grisha
Хуем кинул через крышу.
Over the roof with dick he threw.
А в гражданскую войну
Also, in the Civil War
Он спас дивизию одну.
The whole division he had saved.
Немцы наших окружили,
Germans surrounded them all,
Немцы наших перебили,
Many of them they have beaten,
А дед ширинку расстегнул,
And the old man unzips his pants,
И хуй над речкой протянул
And streches his dick over the river
Наши по хую пошли,
Ours went onto the dick,
Наши наших пронесли,
Ours made it, thanks to dick,
А за ними немцы в вспять
After that, those Germans started
Стали на хуй наступать
to retreat over the dick
Дед залупой колыхнул
Old man shaked his dickhead
Немцев в реку окунул,
Dropped those Germans to the death
А тех кто плавал по воде
Those, who raised their head
Он бил залупой по голове,
They were beaten with dickhead
После боя генерал
After the battle, general
Ему залупу целовал.
Was kissing that dickhead.
Едет поезд на Ваи,
To the VAI, the train rushes
А в нем сидят одни хуи
Only dicks are present there.
Молчите, бляди, я святой!
Shut up, bitches, I'm blessed!
Я святой!
I am blessed!