Translation of the song No es no artist Anne Etchegoyen
No es no
No is No
Abogada, camarera, cantante,
(Part in Spanish):
nacimos mujer
Lawyer, waitress, singer
con falda, pantalón o cerveza
we born at women
nos debes respeto
with skirt, pants or beer
esto es mi cuerpo
you owe us respect
lo uso como quiero!
this is my body
mères, filles, grands-mères, amies
(Part in French):
cousines et toutes mes soeurs
Mothers, daughters, grandmothers, friends
promenons-nous dans les rues, les pays
cousines and all my sisters
annoncer la couleur!
Let's walk in the streets, in the countries
nous sommes toutes libres,
announce the color!
debout et en c(h)oeur!
We are all free
te lo digo y de nuevo
no es no
esan dizut eta berriro
I tell you and again
ez da ez
it's not no
abokatu, zerbitzari, kantari
emakume jaio gara
Lawyer, waitress, singer
gona, prakak, garagardo
we born at women
batekin errespetua nahi dut
skirt, pants, beer
gu berdinak gara
I want respect with one
lan ta sexuan
All we are the same
te lo digo y de nuevo
no es no
esan dizut eta berriro
I tell you and again
ez da ez
it's not no
es no
it's no
no es no
no it's no
te lo digo y de nuevo
I tell you and again
no es no
esan dizut eta berriro
it's not no
ez da ez
I told you and again
te lo digo y de nuevo
I tell you and again
ez da ez
no es no!
ahizpa, neska, laguna, amatxi, ama, alaba!
(no es no)
sister, girl, friend, grandmother, mother, daughter!
zatoz kalera, egon herrietan, pasatu mezua!
guztiak aske gara (no!)
Come to the streets, stay in the villages, pass the mesage!
zutik eta elkarrekin (no!)
we are all free (no!)
no es no.
standing and togheter (no!)