Translation of the song İyi Ol artist Kurban
İyi Ol
Be well
Bağırmak istediğinde o sana sus der
When you would like to shout, he says hush
Sinirden çıldırırsın haline güler
You go mad, he laughs the way you are
Kendini zor tutarsın şöyle bir süzer
You try hard to contain yourself, he gives you a look
İhtiyaç duyduğunda terk edip gider
In time of need, he just leaves
Aldırma kimseye sen, iyi ol
Don't you give a damn about anyone, be well
Dinleme kimseyi, sakin ol
Don't you listen to anyone, be calm
Kardeş payı yaparsın hepsini ister
You would like to share equally, he wants it all
Seni sana gösterir kendini gizler
Shows you to you, hides himself
Bir gün çekip gidersin o seni izler
One day you walk away, he just watches
Yalnız kalıp yanarken ateşi besler
While burning alone, feeds the fire itself
Aldırma kimseyse sen, iyi ol
Don't you give a damn about anyone, be well
Dinleme kimseyi, sakin ol, kolaysa
Don't you listen to anyone, be calm, if its easy