Translation of the song Namus Belası artist Kurban


Namus Belası

English translation

trouble of honour

Düstüm mapus damlarina ögüt veren bol olur

being in jail,there are so many to give advices

Toplasam o ögütleri burdan köye yol olur

if i put those advices together,there will be road from here to village

Ana baba baci kardas dar günümde el olur

mum,dad,siter,brother will be strange in my bad day

Namus belasina kardas döktügümüz kan bizim

the blood which is dropped for trouble of honour is mine

Hep bir halli Turhalliyiz biz bize benzeriz

we are one on manner,from Turhal,we are similar to each other

Yüz bin kere tövbe eder gene sarap içeriz

if we swear 100000 times ,we drink wine still

At bizim avrat bizim silah bizim san bizim

hourse is ours,women is ours,gun is ours,fame is ours

Namus belasina kardas yatariz zindan bizim

for trouble of honour,my brother,we will go into jail,which is ours

Kiz gelinim suna boylum doyamadan biz bize

my bride girl,my tall in weight,without satisfying to each other

Besmeleyle yüzün açip oturmadan diz dize

without opening ur face with Besmele,without sitting knee to knee(he means when we marry we open the brides face putting up the tule,and sitting together he means with 'diz dize(knee to knee)')

Almis götürmüsler seni çökertmisler issiza

they have taken u away,and hanged u in deserted

Namus belasina kardas kiydigimiz can bizim

for trouble of honour my brother,the soul that we sacrificed is ours

Agam kurban beyim kurban hallarimi eyledim

my older is sacrifice,my sir is sacrifice,i made my manners

Ne bir eksik ne bir fazla hepsi tamam söyledim

neither deficient nor excessive,i did say everything in ok

Kir kalemi kes cezami yasamayi neyleyim

break the pencil,gimme pay,what will i do life

Namus belasina kardas verdigimiz can bizim

for trouble of honour the soul that we sacrificed is ours

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