Gizlediğin bir şey mi var?
have you got sth which you have hidden?
Bilmediğim derdin mi var?
have you got a problem which l dont know?
Ellerin neden titrer?
why are your hands shaking?
Zorbadan korkun mu var?
are you afraid of despots?
Yakınman boşa, beni suçlama
your complaining is nothing,dont blame me
O vurdukça sana yetmedi, yetmedi
as long as it was hitting,it didnt enough for you
Alıştın buna, boşuna ağlama
you are accustomed to it,dont cry for nothing
Çektiğin sana kâr etmedi, etmedi
your absorbing is not enough for you
Sen korktukça, sen kaçtıkça
as long as you afraid of,as long as you ran away
Zorba da gelir üstüne
despots came to you,too
Davranmazsan, haykırmazsan
if you dont treat,if you dont shout
Her gün tokadı ensende
everyday its slap is in your back of the neck