Dacă-n inima mea tu n-ai fi,
If you were not in my heart,
Dacă sufletul meu n-ar mai plânge,
If my soul would not cry anymore,
Totdeauna eu te-aș iubi,
I would always love you,
Totdeauna o lacrim-ar curge.
A tear would always flow.
Dacă-n visul meu tu ai lipsi,
If you were missing from my dream,
Dacă-n gândul meu n-ai fi cu mine,
If you were not with me in my thought,
Totdeauna eu te-aș iubi,
I would always love you,
Totdeauna mi-ar fi dor de tine.
I would always miss you.
Viața mea toată-i iubire,
My whole life is just love,
Ești cel ce trăiește în ea.
You are the one who lives in it.
Fără tine viața-i pustie,
My life is empty without you,
Ești iubirea și dragostea mea.
You are my love and my affection.
Dacă singură eu m-aș trezi,
If I woke up all alone,
Dacă tu n-ai mai fi lângă mine,
If you were not with me anymore,
Totdeauna eu te-aș iubi,
I would always love you,
Totdeauna - cu gândul la tine.
Always - thinking of you.
Dacă nimeni pe lume n-ar fi,
If there were no one in the world,
Dacă stelele toate s-or stinge,
If all the stars will go out,
Totdeauna eu te-aș iubi,
I would always love you,
Totdeauna o lacrim-ar curge.
A tear would always flow.
Viața mea toată-i iubire,
My whole life is just love,
Ești cel ce trăiește în ea.
You are the one who live in it.
Fără tine viața-i pustie,
My life is empty without you,
Ești iubirea și dragostea mea.
You are my love and my affection.