Translation of the song Spillingardans artist Hatari
Dance of Corruption
Dance of corruption
Hvarvetna alþjóð dansar þennan vals
All nations everywhere dance this waltz
Trance of consumption
Gróðafíkn og nautnarfans
Greed and extravagance
Gróðafíkn og nautnarfans
Greed and extravagance
Kapítalistar andskotans
Fucking capitalists!
Dance of corruption
Hvaðanæva – sjö milljarðar manns
All around the world, seven billion people
Trance of consumption
Gróðafíkn og nautnarfans
Greed and extravagance
Nýju föt fasistans
The fascist's new clothes
Hvar varst þú?
Where were you?
Hvert förum við nú
Where do we go now,
O model country?
Hvar var ég?
Where was I?
Veit ei hvaðan ég kem
Don't know where I come from
Né hvert ég fer
or where I'm going
Hvar varst þú?
Where were you?
Hvert förum við nú
Where do we go now,
O model country?
Hvar var ég?
Where was I?
Veit ei hvaðan ég kem
Don't know where I come from
Né hvert ég fer
or where I'm going
Dance of corruption
Hvarvetna alþjóð dansar þennan vals
All nations everywhere dance this waltz
Trance of consumption
Alsherjarópíum aumingjans
The opium of the weak-willed masses
Vökul hendi kúgarans
The watchful hand of the oppressor
Nýju föt fasistans
The fascist's new clothes
Veldissproti hégómans
The scepter of vanity
Gróðafíkn og nautnarfans
Greed and extravagance
Kapítalistar andskotans
Fucking capitalists!