Hann er þögull
He is quiet
Sem handleggur
Like an arm
Sem engu nemur
Like almost nothing
Sem hamar og meitill
Like a hammer and sickle
Sem flóðbylgjur
Like a tsunami
Kunnuglegur tortímandi
Familiar destroyer
Styrkri hendi mundar spjótið
Strong hands draw the spear
Við erum brothætt
We are fragile
Sem heimsálfa
As a continent
Sem engu nemur
Like almost nothing
Sem hamar og meitill
Like a hammer and sickle
Sem flóðbylgjur
Like a tsunami
Kunnuglegur tortímandi
Familiar destroyer
Styrkri hendi mundar spjótið
Strong hands draw the spear
Allt sem þú aldrei varst
All that you never were
Aldrei varðst
Never became
Bréfið sem aldrei barst
The letter that never came
Klettsbrún af hverri þú dast
The cliff's edge that you fell from
Hverri þú dast
That you fell from
Hverri þú dast
That you fell from
Allt sem þú aldrei varst
All that you never were
Aldrei verður
Never will become
Kunnuglegur tortímandi
Familiar destroyer
Styrkri hendi mundar spjótið
Strong hands draw the spear