Translation of the song Bijeli Božić artist Crvena jabuka


Bijeli Božić

English translation

White Christmas

Ja sanjam jedan bijel Bozic

I’m dreaming of a white Christmas

da opet dodje u moj grad

that comes again to my town

da su zvijezde gore

that the stars are above

i tiho da se stvore

and silently appear

svi ljudi koje volim ja

the people that I love

Ja sanjam kako snijeg pada

I’m dreaming how the snow falls

i odmah tuzan postanem

and instantly sadness comes over me

jer kraj stare skole

because at the old school

gdje se mladi vole

where the young ones love

nisam tebe pronasao ja

I didn’t find you

Ja sanjam ljeto u zraku

I’m dreaming of a summer in the air

da opet dodje u moj grad

that comes again to my town

da su zvijezde gore

that the stars are above

i blizu da je more

and the sea is nearby

tek tada bit cu sretan ja

Just then I will be happy

Da su zvijezde gore

that the stars are above

i blizu da je more

and the sea is nearby

tek tada bit cu sretan ja, sretan ja

Just then I will be happy

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