Translation of the song Boje kišnog neba artist Crvena jabuka


Boje kišnog neba

English translation

Colors of a Rainy Sky

Kad se vraćam s putovanja

When I return from trips abroad

uvijek umoran i prazan

always tired and empty

ti si uvijek tu, uvijek tu

you are always there, always there

Ti znaš šta treba

You know what is needed

kad se boje kišnog neba

when the colors of a rainy sky

spuste na mene

fall on me

srce mi okamene

they harden my heart to stone

ti si kraj mene

you are by my side.

Lako mi je sve

Everything is easy for me

kad si uz mene

when you are next to me

ti razumiješ

you understand

sve moje misli tamne

all of my dark thoughts.

Lako mi je sve

Everything is easy for me

kad si uz mene

when you are next to me

jer u srcu tvome

because in your heart

za mene nema tajne

there are no secrets from me.

Probale su da me slome

They've tried to break me

nisu uspjele u tome

they didn't succeed in that

ni jedna baš

not even one.

Ma dobro ti me znaš

Well yes you know me

ti me najbolje znaš

you know me the best.

Kao da se opet rađam

It's like I'm being born again

ja se uvijek tebi vraćam

I always return to you

ti mi daješ sve

you give me everything

sve što druge ne nude

everything that the others don't offer.

Lako mi je sve

Everything is easy for me

kad si uz mene

when you are next to me

ti razumiješ

you understand

sve moje misli tamne

all of my dark thoughts.

Lako mi je sve

Everything is easy for me

kad si uz mene

when you are next to me

jer u srcu tvome

because in your heart

za mene nema tajne

there are no secrets from me.

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