Translation of the song Četkice za zube artist Crvena jabuka
Četkice za zube
Noge su ti hladne, ne grli me njima
Your feet are cold, don't hug me with them
napolju je ljeto, a u sobi zima,
outside is the summer, but in the room is winter
ako nećeš spavat' ti ugasi svjetlo
if you won't sleep, you turn off the light
pomisli na nekog, meni je svejedno
think of somebody, I don't care.
Čini mi se, još se samo ljube
It seems to me, the only things still kissing
naše dvije četkice za zube.
are out two toothbrushes
Čini mi se, ne volim te više
It seems to me, I don't love you anymore
kad već dišeš onda diši tiše
since you're already breathing, breathe quieter.
Čujem zvuk motora tu, ispod balkona
I hear the sound of motorcycles, there, under the balcony
u noći se gubi skripa kamiona.
the grate of trucks is lost into the night
Neka nosi teret tvoj i moj od danas
let it carry the weight, mine and yours, of today
nek se neko drugi od sad voli za nas
let somebody else love each other for us, from now on