Translation of the song Crvena Jabuka artist Crvena jabuka
Crvena Jabuka
Red apple
Rekao sam da odlazim
I told you I am leaving
tu daljinu slutiš li
Could you imagine that distance
i samoće pustinju
and desert of loneliness
što zove me
which is calling me
Hladni sivi gradovi
Cold grey cities
i bez kraja drumovi
And never-ending roads
vozovi u čekanju
Waiting trains
neka sagore
They shall get burned
Dala mi jabuku
She gave me an apple
crvenu jabuku
Red apple
prije rastanka
Before she was gone
Dala mi jabuku
She gave me an apple
crvenu jabuku
Red apple
a ime slagala
And didn´t tell me her real name
Rekao sam radosti
I said to happiness
ne daj da se ugasi
Don´t let it go away
vatra tvojih očiju
the fire in your eyes
u meni ostaje
Remains in me
U mirisnoj postelji
In smelly bed
moju pjesmu zagrli
hug my song
u njoj piše istina
the truth is written in it
za nas čuva je
it saves the truth for us