Translation of the song Čuvaj se artist Crvena jabuka


Čuvaj se

English translation

Watch yourself

Ako odeš mi ti, možda krene na smijeh

If you leave me, maybe I'll start laughing;

možda kupim u ponoć kartu za grijeh

maybe I'll buy a ticket at midnight to sin.

ako odeš mi ti, ne ostavljaj trag

If you leave me, don't leave a trace.

ovo su čudna vremena, i sjećanja me strah

These are odd times, and I'm afraid of memories.

Malo me vidiš, malo ne vidiš

Now you see me, now you don't,

kao loš program, pa ga promijeniš

like a bad channel, so you change it,

i svaki puta kad se naljutiš

and every time you get mad,

sjetiš se mene, pa me okriviš

you remember me so you blame me.



I zato čuvaj se

So watch yourself,

hrabro kreni putem, najdraža

go bravely along the way, my dearest,

nek ti ovaj život bude

let this life be

kao meka postelja

like a soft bed to you.

I zato čuvaj se

So watch yourself,

idi svome jatu, jedina

go towards your flock, my only one,

ja samo želim, kad te opet vidim

I only want for you, when I see you,

da imaš stari sjaj u očima

to have the old glimmer in your eyes.

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