Translation of the song Da mi je do nje artist Crvena jabuka
Da mi je do nje
If i could go to her (be with her)
Prošao sam ljudi kažu mnogo,
People say i experienced (traveled) a lot,
ma kakva pamet ludost čista
But no cleverness, pure craziness
naučih toliko sam mog'o,
I could've learned so much
al' tek sad ja ne znam ništa.
But only now i don't know anything
Probao sam rajsko voće
I've tasted fruit from heaven
i pune dzepove para,
And pockets full of money
al' malo ko da hoće
But now no one wants
slušat' tugu sanjara.
to listen to a sad dreamer
Da mi je do nje, do nje
If I could go to her, to her
još dok je mila i snena.
While she is still loving and dreamy
Ja pamtim samo, hej, od sveg'
I just remember, hey, from everything
pogled sa njenih ramena.
Look from her shoulders
Putovao sam dugo,
I traveled a long
zvijezde su crtale put.
Stars were drawing my path
Te što dale su je drugom
Same stars that gave her to someone else
i na njih bio sam ljut.
I was also angry on them
A vidjeh, vidjeh sve,
But I saw, I saw it all
ma kakva pamet, ludost teška.
No cleverness, only heavy craziness
Al' ne postoji ništa
But there is nothing
ljepše od njenog smješka.
more beautiful than her smile