Translation of the song Deni artist Crvena jabuka
Kada gledam tvoje lice
When I watch your face
Uvijek osjetim vedrinu
I always feel the brightness
Koju nosi ljetna noć
which the summer night carries.
Dodirnem li tvoje ruke
If I touch your hands
Uvijek osjetim toplinu
I always feel the warmth
Koju mi je dala moć
which gave me strength
Kad nas napuste voljena
When all will leaves us,
Sve radosti iz mladosti
All joy from our youth
čak i kada bude teško
even when it'll be difficult,
Sve do kraja svog života
All until the end of my life,
Od tebe neću poć
I won't part with you.
I kad dođe dan, naš zadnji dan
And when the day comes, our last day
Kad prođe san, nas zadnji san
When the dream ends, our last dream
Kad nemiri budu dio nas
When unrests will become a part of us
I kada nam kucne zadnji čas
And when our last hour comes
I tada ču, Deni, kao i sad
And even then Deni, I will, just like now
Da te volim ja
be loving you