Translation of the song Grade moj artist Crvena jabuka


Grade moj

English translation

My city

Sve češće prolazim kroz tvoje kapije

More often I am going trough your gates

Pa malo prošetam do stare čaršije

Then I take a walk to the old town

A slike krenu, ne zna im se broj

Then the pictures start coming, and I don't know even know how many

Grade moj

My city

Sve više fališ mi sa svakom godinom

I am missing you more with every year that goes by

Vezani vječno istom sudbinom

Bond togheter, we share the same destiny

Ranjeni stoput, al' nismo nikada

Wounded many times but we never

Pali na koljena

Fell on our knees



Grade moj, stari moj

My city, my old friend

Tu sam uvijek nasmijan i svoj

There I am always smiling and myself

Tu sam svoje srce dao njoj

There I gave my heart to her

Grade moj, stari moj

My city, my old friend

Poznam skoro svaki kamen tvoj

I almost know every rock of yours

Tu sam korijen ostavio svoj

There I have my roots

Ja često spustim se na tvoje obale

I oftens go down to your shore

I tražim svoje stare drugove

And I am looking for my old friends

Rjeku i tvoje odsjaje u njoj

The river, and your reflections in it

Grade moj

My city

I neki novi klinci trče ulicom

And some new kids are running in the street

Sa istim žarom, istom sudbinom

With the same enthusiasm, the same destiny

Jednoga dana kao ja i ti

One day like you and I

Braća će postati

Brothers they will become

Ref. 2x

Ref. X2

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