Jeg lagde byen ned, og byen lagde mig
I swept the city off its feet, and the city swept me
Et godt øje til end drøm, jeg havde, var endt på en blind vej
A good eye to a dream I had had ended up on a dead end
Ude af mig selv inderst inde
Deep down, I'm feeling out of it
Jeg vidst' jo ikk', hva' jeg sku' finde
'Cause I didn't know what I'd find
Var så langt fra mig selv
Was so far from myself
Da 2012 kom med held
When 2012 brought luck with it
Det var dig, og du var dér
It was you and you were there
Du var så skøn, som du ku' vær'
You were as wonderful as you could be
Alt var så nyt, du var så ung
Everything was so new, you were so young
Mit hovede var så skævt og tungt
My head was so askew and heavy
Jeg skøjtede rundt i legen
I skated around in the game
Mens du stille stod på vejen
While you were calmly standing in the middle of the road
Og ventede på, at vi ku' gå og gå og gå
Waiting for when we could walk and walk and walk
Ad denne vej
Down this path
Du ble' et sandhedens spejl
And you became a mirror of truth
Jeg ku' se alle mine fejl
I could see all of my flaws
Jeg bare så og så, indtil jeg så
I just kept looking and looking until I saw
Mit sande jeg
My true self
Og det ku' ikk' bli' meget større
And it couldn't get much greater
Men der var dem, der ikk' ville høre
But there were those who didn't want to listen
Vi måtte ikk' få hinanden
We couldn't have one another
Og der var ikk' noget, vi ku' gøre
And there was nothing we could do
Det blev et hovedspring på lavt vand
It became a headfirst jump into shallow water
Og alt, vi drømte, forsvandt
And everything we dreamt about disappeared
Det var hårdt, som bare fanden
It was hard as hell
Men vi kæmpede for hinanden
But we fought for one another
Græd i dagevis, fatted' ingenting
We cried for days, understood nothing
Kun at vi sku' samme vej
Only that we had to go the same way
Og ikk' videre hver for sig
And not move on separately
Verden var forkert
The world was wrong
Og vores liv var blevet Wouldn't It Be Nice
And our life had become Wouldn't It Be Nice
Jeg læste den højt for dig, og højtalerne græd:
I read it out loud for you and the speakers wept:
Wouldn't it...
Wouldn't it...
Wouldn't it be nice...
Wouldn't it be nice...
Et godt stykke på den anden sid'
A fair bit on the other side
Af hvad, jeg vil kalde mit livs hårdeste tid
Of what I'd call the hardest time of my life
Åbnede lykken sig og ramte vores liv
Happiness opened up and struck our lives
Og du si'r, at jeg var dén, der satte dig fri
And you say that it was me who set you free
Det er måske det smukkeste, jeg har hørt, noget menneske si'
That might be the most beautiful thing I've heard any person say
Det er måske det smukkeste, jeg har hørt, noget menneske si'
That might be the most beautiful thing I've heard any person say
Det er måske det smukkeste, jeg har hørt, noget menneske si'
That might be the most beautiful thing I've heard any person say