Translation of the song Baloni artist Zalagasper
Ponavljam se jaz,
I'm repeating myself,
ponavljaš se ti.
so are you.
Meglice se dvigujejo z dolin tvojega srca
Mists are rising from the valleys of my heart
in se lovijo na moj mrzel obraz.
and stopping on my cold face.
Vprašam te, kam šel boš tokrat,
I ask you, where are you going this time,
če lahko grem s tabo.
if I can go with you.
Nič ne rečeš.
You don't say anything.
Balone dam ti v roko, ti jih spustiš.
I put balloons in your hand, you let them go.
Gledava jih izginjat v nebo.
We watch them disappear into the sky.
Je sploh možno,
Is it even possible,
da srce ni popolno?
that the heart isn't perfect?
Je to, na kar naslanjam se, le hiša iz kart,
Is what I'm leaning on only a house of cards,
ali kdo pozna ozadja mojih napak?
does anyone know the background of my mistakes?
Kličem te, kod hodiš tokrat,
I'm calling you, where are you this time,
rečeš le, da daleč od doma.
you only say that far from home.
Saj ne vem več, kaj naredila bi s seboj.
I don't even know anymore what I should do with you.
Balone dam ti v roko, ti jih spustiš.
I put balloons in your hand, you let them go.
Gledava jih izginjat v nebo.
We watch them disappear into the sky.
Naslonim se na tvojo ramo.
I lay my head on your shoulder.
Saj ni važno, ali jutri se bom spet.
It doesn't matter if I'll get to do this again tomorrow.
Balone dam ti v roko, ti jih spustiš.
I put balloons in your hand, you let them go.
Gledava jih izginjat v nebo.
We watch them disappear into the sky.