Translation of the song Jedina artist Crvena jabuka



English translation

Only one

Hajde sa mnom pješke sve do Jadrana

Walk with me all the way to the Adria

Napravimo sebi malo prostora

Let's make ourselves a bit of space

Nudim ti bar neku sitnu promjenu

I am offering you at least some change

Da ukinemo ovu groznu dosadu

To stop this horrible boredom

Da ukinemo priče šuplje, beskrajne

To stop this stupid, endless talking

Vidi papci još okolo rovare

Look, the idiots are still gossiping

Šta ćeš neko mora biti negativac

There nothing we can do, someone has to be the villain

Upraznjelo svakodnevno grebanje

Empty everyday talking

O, jedina spotakla se neka lijena vremena

Oh, my only one, some hard times have come

Mlitavih utvara i nekih starih olinjalih frikova

Some limp ghosts and some old shabby freaks

I sve napola, ni sreća, ni bol

And everything is only the half, no happiness no pain

I ništa sex 'n' drugs, i ništa rock 'n' roll

And nothing sex 'n drugs, and nothing rock 'n roll

O, ja i ti se ljubimo

Oh, me and you are kissing

O, ja i ti se ljubimo

Oh, me and you are kissing

Ljuljaj me u Zagrebu kroz ilicu

Shake me in Zagreb in the Ilica Street

U Beogradu kotrljaj niz Balkansku

In Belgrade roll me down the Balkanska Street

U Sarajevu tresi me gdje hoćeš ti

In Sarajevo fuck me wherever you want to

Mi nemamo dušo šta izgubiti

We don't have anything to lose darling

Ljubi me nek' zavide nam miševi

Kiss me, so the gossipers get jealous

Slušaj ih što naokolo cijuču

Listen to them how they are spreading the gossip

Mogu nas prozivati i truniti

They can talk about us as much a they want

I ja od smijeha vjeruj plakat ću

Believe me, I will cry of laughter

O, jedina spotakla se neka lijena vremena

Oh, my only one, some hard times have come

Mlitavih utvara i nekih starih olinjalih frikova

Some limp ghosts and some old shabby freaks

I sve napola, ni sreća, ni bol

And everything is only the half, no happiness no pain

I ništa sex 'n' drugs, i ništa rock 'n' roll

And nothing sex 'n drugs, and nothing rock 'n roll

O, ja i ti se ljubimo

Oh, me and you are kissing

O, ja i ti se ljubimo

Oh, me and you are kissing

Hajde sa mnom, slatko malo, nekuda

Come with me, you cute little thing, anywhere

Dosta nam je tih klasičnih zabava

We are bored of those normal parties

Iste priče, istih lica, filmova

Same talk, same people, same movies

Iz dana u dan istog kukanja

Every day the same complains

Gledaj svatko misli samo na sebe

Look, everyone only thinks about themselves

Ti uzmi drage ploče pusti Indexe

Take those good old vinyls and play 'Indexi' (*)

I na kraju kad ti kažem volim te

And in the end when I tell you: I love you

Ipak će neko da razumije

You will hopefully understand

O, jedina spotakla se neka lijena vremena

Oh, my only one, some hard times have come

Mlitavih utvara i nekih starih olinjalih frikova

Some limp ghosts and some old shabby freaks

I sve napola, ni sreća, ni bol

And everything is only the half, no happiness no pain

I ništa sex 'n' drugs, i ništa rock 'n' roll

And nothing sex 'n drugs, and nothing rock 'n roll

O, ja i ti se ljubimo

Oh, me and you are kissing

O, ja i ti se ljubimo

Oh, me and you are kissing

O, ja i ti se ljubimo

Oh, me and you are kissing

O, ja i ti se ljubimo

Oh, me and you are kissing

O, ja i ti se ljubimo

Oh, me and you are kissing

O, ja i ti se ljubimo

Oh, me and you are kissing

O, ja i ti se ljubimo

Oh, me and you are kissing

O, ja i ti se ljubimo

Oh, me and you are kissing

O, ja i ti se ljubimo

Oh, me and you are kissing

O, ja i ti se ljubimo

Oh, me and you are kissing

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