Translation of the song S teboi artist Zalagasper


S teboi

English translation

With You

Kdo ve, kaj je, sreča al’ naključje?

Who knows if it's happiness or a coincidence

Kako dobiš kontrast, če hodiš zgolj, kjer luč je.

How can you achieve contrast if you walk only where there's light?

Iščem nekaj, kar upam, da obstaja.

I am searching for something I hope exists

In kaj, če ne obstaja, kaj naslednja je postaja?

And if it doesn't exist, what is the next station?

S papirnato barko plujem s teboj,

In a paper boat I'm sailing with you,

tud’ če potopiva se, jaz sem s teboj,

Even if we sink, I am with you

s teboj, boi.

With you, you

Zaprem se vase, ko obdana sem z ljudmi, ki ne razumejo,

I shut myself off when I'm surrounded by people who don't understand

zato grem vstran, morda le par korakov.

That's why I step aside, maybe just a few steps

Rumene barve, kjer zate so oranžne, pa saj je ton podoben.

You see orange where there is yellow, at least the tone is similar

Druge so besede, isti je pomen.

The words are different, but the meaning stays the same

S papirnato barko plujem s teboj,

In a paper boat I'm sailing with you,

tud’ če potopiva se, jaz sem s teboj,

Even if we sink, I am with you

s teboj, boi.

With you, you

Najprej preračunam, potem pa zamežim.

First I do the math, then I close my eyes

Kako naj zgodbo menjam, če ničesar ne spustim?

How can I change my story if I don't let anything go?

Z odprto vizijo končujem to trilogijo,

With an open vision I'm finishing this trilogy

to ni slovo, to ni slovo.

This is not goodbye, this is not goodbye

Pristanišče je daleč za menoj,

The harbor is far behind me

sem s papirnato barko na valovih s teboj,

I'm in a paper boat cutting waves with you

na valovih s teboj, na valovih s teboj.

On the waves with you, on the waves with you

S papirnato barko plujem s teboj,

In a paper boat I'm sailing with you,

tud’ če potopiva se, jaz sem s teboj,

Even if we sink, I am with you

s teboj, boi.

With you, you

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