Translation of the song sto idej artist Zalagasper
sto idej
a hundred ideas
Pada mrak, vroča čokolada
The dusk is settling, hot chocolate
Ti in jaz, tople nogavice, kapa
You and I, warm socks, a hat
Lučke so, za vsakim oknom svoja zgodba
There are lights, behind every window is its own story
Snežinke so kot diamanti
Snowflakes are like diamonds
Fino je, te dni se dosti smejem
It's great, I laugh a lot these days
Družina je najboljša, tud' če najdeš jo kasneje
Family's the best, even if you find it later
Bleščimo se
We're shining
Mirno je vse
Everything is calm
Jutro je in želela bi, da vse je belo
It's morning and I'd like everything to be white
Sto idej, kaj darilo zate je popolno
A hundred ideas about what a perfect gift for you is
Sto odej, zavila sem se kot burrito
A hundred blankets I wrapped myself into like a burrito
S toplim čajem v miru berem dobro knjigo
With warm tea I'm reading a good book in peace
Najin kavč in nadaljevanka
Our sofa and a tv series
Ob naju roža, v zimskem vzdušju tudi mačka
A flower beside us, even the cat is in winter spirits
Na koži čutim svoj volnen pulover
I feel my woollen sweater on my skin
Niti pletejo spomine
The threads weave memories
Padamo in hitro se topimo
We're falling and melting away quickly
Drug drugemu življenje popestrimo
We make each other's lives more interesting
Najlepše je, ko pademo si kot snežinke, točno na nos
It's the most beautiful thing when we fall like snowflakes right on each other's noses
Jutro je in želela bi, da vse je belo
It's morning and I'd like everything to be white
Sto idej, kaj darilo zate je popolno
A hundred ideas about what a perfect gift for you is
Sto odej, zavila sem se kot burrito
A hundred blankets I wrapped myself into like a burrito
S toplim čajem v miru berem dobro knjigo
With warm tea I'm reading a good book in peace
Jutro je in želela bi, da vse je belo
It's morning and I'd like everything to be white
Sto idej, kaj darilo zate je popolno
A hundred ideas about what a perfect gift for you is
Sto odej, zavila sem se kot burrito
A hundred blankets I wrapped myself into like a burrito
S toplim čajem v miru berem dobro knjigo
With warm tea I'm reading a good book in peace