Translation of the song Valovi artist Zalagasper



English translation


Je vse blo zaman?

Was it all for nothing?

Naivno pogledam vstran.

Naively I look away.

Cela v belem,

All dressed in white,

upi da je to za zmeraj.

Hoping that it's for ever.

Znova k vrtnicam,

Back to the roses,

ta vijolčnim in rdečim.

The purple and the red ones.

Življenje je paleta barv,

Life is a palette of colours,

črno belo je za te, ki ne upajo si daleč.

Black and white is for those who don't dare go far.

Sploh luna ve za morje,

Does the moon know of sea at all,

da vpliva na navade in valove?

That it affects habits and waves?

Redkega nasmeha,

Rarely smiling,

a iskrenega odnosa do sveta.

But with a sincere attitude.

Cela v modrem,

All dressed in blue,

ker bla bi ocean in morje.

Because I want to be the ocean and the sea.

V poletni žalosti,

In the summer sadness,

mladost se zgubla je,

The youth is lost,

ne čutim radosti.

I feel no joy.

Zafrustrirana da ni tako kot bi lahko bilo.

Frustrated that it's not like it could be.

Sploh luna ve za morje,

Does the moon know of sea at all,

da vpliva na navade in valove?

That it affects habits and waves?

Sem rada sama s sabo,

I like being with myself,

pa vseeno iščem tinder za to noč.

But I'm still looking on Tinder for tonight.

Ljubezen stežka najdem,

It's hard to find love,

pa vseeno neučakana da najdem.

But I'm still desperate to find it.

Se sama sebi zdim naivna,

I feel naive,

še vedno bolje kot obup,

But it's still better than despair,

kot občutke te zatirat.

Better than repressing these feelings.

Sploh luna ve za morje,

Does the moon know of sea at all,

da vpliva na navade in valove?

That it affects habits and waves?

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