Translation of the song Ljeta koja dolaze artist Crvena jabuka


Ljeta koja dolaze

English translation

The summers that are yet to come

Ledena zima bila je

Ice cold winter passed by

bez tvog' dodira da me ugrije

Without your touch, to warm me up

bez smijeha su naše ulice

Our streets have lost their smile

vjetar nam' poklonio riječi otrovne

The wind gave us, poisonus words

Snijeg raširio svoje čaršafe

The snow spread its bedsheets

na njima tražim tvoje tragove

On them I am looking for your traces

pred očima mojim oni tope se

In front of my eyes, they are melting

pred ljepšim danima i zima pobježe

Before the better days could arrive, the winter ran away

Ljeta koja dolaze

The summers that are yet to come

šta mi novo donose

What new will they bring me

da l' ću naći puteve

Will I find the roads

koji vode do tebe

That lead to you

Počele se bistriti vode

The waters started to clear

sreća dođe nakratko i ode

Happines comes for a short while, and leaves again

e, da hoće da zaluta

If it only would go astray

do tvog' srca, do mog' pogleda

To your heart, to my look

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