Translation of the song Malo ćemo da se kupamo artist Crvena jabuka
Malo ćemo da se kupamo
We'll swim a little
Pazi, pazi
Watch out, watch out
Ljeto opet stiže
Summer is coming again
u naše krajeve
to our place
sa juga donosi
from the south the sun brings
sunce zlatne valove
golden waves
Siđimo sa visina
Let's come down from the heights
izađimo iz skrapa i vrtaca
let's step out of cracks and sinkholes
dole dupin mrižu cipa
down there dolphin is tearing up the net
spustimo se do mora
let's go down to the sea
Draga, ja i ti
Darling, you and me
obalom ćemo se šetati
we'll walk along the shore
na obali mi ti
darling you speak
draga nježno govoriš
to me so gentle on the coast
Ref. 2x
Ref. 2x
O, oo, malo ćemo da
Oh, oh, we'll swim
se kupamo, hoćemo
a little,we will
oo, malo ćemo
oh,we'll sunbathe
da se sunčamo
a little
Pred zoru sam sanjao
Before dawn, I dreamt that
da sam lovu našao
I found some cash
i čujem šum talasa
and I hear the murmur of the waves
ispod moga prozora
under my window
Pazi, pazi
Watch out, watch out
Evo ti krema
Here's a cream
svoga dragog namaži
put some on your beloved man
bilo bi bezveze
It would be lame
da ga sunce isprži
if the sun fried him
Bilo bi blentavo
It would be crazy
da do noći izgori
if the sun fried him by tonight
jer takav naveče
'cause in the evening he
nizašta nije, ne
won't be useful at all,no
Draga ja i ti
Darling, you and me
lavanda, srdele i ostali
Lavender, sardines and others
pjesmice naše klapice
songs of our choir
ispred nas more
in front of us the sea
pod nama kamenice
under us the oysters