Translation of the song 南風 artist Hiromi Ōta
South wind
From the Down Town
From the down town
街角には気のはやい 若者達
On the corners, short tempered young boys
洗いざらしの半袖のシャツ 夏を待ちきれず
With their short sleeved discolored shirts, can't wait for the summer
From the Down Town
From the down town
目に止まった ポスターに去年の夏
Last summer stopped on a poster before my eyes
ダブらせてしまう ああ今年もまた逢いたい
I want to meet you again this year
Let's Shine おしげもなく 晒した
Let's shine, generously exposed
Is the temptation of your bare skin
Just Now その瞬間に僕のすべてが変わったのさ
Just now, in that moment all of me changed
You're a shining orange girl
From the Radio
From the radio
天気予報 週末は晴れそうです
The weather report announces a sunny weekend
それなら自慢の車に乗り 浜辺へ行こうか
If it's so, wanna go to the beach in my boastful car?
From the Radio
From the radio
このメロディー 去年の夏のヒットソング
This melody is a hit song of last year
小麦色の肌が 今甦える逢いたい
I want to meet your tanned skin
Let's Shine 出逢いは突然で
Let's shine, suddenly a meeting
Dazzles me
Just Now 君の瞳の謎を今年は解いてみせる
Just now, this year you'll let me solve the enigma of your eyes
You're a shining orange girl
Let's Shine 出逢いは突然で
Let's shine, suddenly a meeting
Dazzles me
Just Now 君の瞳の謎を今年は解いてみせる
Just now, this year you'll let me solve the enigma of your eyes
You're a shining orange girl