Translation of the song Nek Te On Ljubi artist Crvena jabuka


Nek Te On Ljubi

English translation

Let him kiss you

Prođe august srećo moja

August is over, my love

Vrijeme da se rastane

Time to say goodbye

Bilo je izgleda previše lijepo

It was I guess way to beautiful

Da nam tako ostane

To stay like this

Mislim da bi ono veče

I think that the night

Kad si otputovala

You have left

Da mi nije žao svijeta

If I weren't sorry about the World

Isplako tri potopa

I would have cried out three floods

Evo sjedim nagovaram mjesec

Now I'm sitting, persuading the moon

Da u tvoju sobu zaviri

To take a look in your room

I da te on umjesto mene

And for him to wake you up and kiss you

Probudi i zagrli

Instead of me

Nek te čuva, neka ti priča

Let him keep you safe, let him tell you tales

Nek te on ljubi kad ne mogu ja

Let him kiss you, if I can't

Neka te čuva i nek ti priča

Let him keep you safe and let him tell you tales

Nek te on ljubi kad ne mogu ja

Let him kiss you, if I can't

Kada prođu dani kiša

When the days of rain are gone

I iscure snjegovi

And the snow is melting

Djeca kradu prve trešnje

Kids are stealing the first cherries

Ti na mene pomisli

You will think of me

A kad dođu bijela ljeta

And when the white summers come

I donesu noći nemirne

And bring with them restless nights

On će meni da te vrati

He will give you back to me

Sad nek bude kraj tebe

But for now let him be by your side

Nek te čuva, neka ti priča

Let him keep you safe, let him tell you tales

Nek te on ljubi kad ne mogu ja

Let him kiss you, if I can't

Neka te čuva i nek ti priča

Let him keep you safe and let him tell you tales

Nek te on ljubi kad ne mogu ja

Let him kiss you, if I can't

Neka te čuva i nek ti priča

Let him keep you safe, let him tell you tales

Nek te on ljubi kad ne mogu ja

Let him kiss you, if I can't

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