Translation of the song Nekako S Proljeća artist Crvena jabuka


Nekako S Proljeća

English translation

Somehow with the spring

Nekako s proljeća,

Somehow with the spring

Uvjek meni doluta

To me comes

Neka čežnja tamna,

This dark longing

Tiha mudrost davna.

This silent wisdom from far away

Spuštam ja stare kofere

I lower my old suitcases

Na perone sudbine,

On the platform of fate

To je miris zrelih godina,

This is the smell of ripe years

Moja kaput baš je težak,

My coat is heavy


My dear one

Nekako s proljeća,

Somehow with the spring

Ja se sjetim starih drugova.

I remember my old friends

Probude se u meni

In me awaken

Svi derneci pijani.

All the celebrating drunks (? lol)

Tad nosim stare cipele,

Then I wear old shoes

one znaju moje ulice.

They know my streets

To je boja crnoponoćna,

The colour is pitch black

Moje koraci baš su teški,

My steps are so heavy


My dear one

I opet taj osećaj samoće,

And once again that feeling of loneliness

Kad neće nikog mene krene i hoće.

When no one is doing well, I am

I opet mrakom svoje pjesme bojim,

And once again I paint my songs with darkness

pijan od želje za usnama tvojim.

Drunk of the desire for your lips

Sav sam ti od ludila,

I am crazy (?)

Nekako s proljeća.

Somehow with the spring

Nekako s proljeća,

Somehow with the spring

Sjeti mene nepravda,

The injustice reminds me

Na pobede, poraze,

Of wins, losses

I sve lažne obzire.

And of all the fake considerations

Napravim račun praštanja,

I say my goodbyes

Popijem pusta maštanja.

Drink the deserted fantasies

To je ukus ljepog kajanja.

This is the taste of sweet regret

Moji kapci baš su teški.

My eyelids are so tired


My dear one

Nekako s proljeća,

Somehow with the spring

Noć mi oči otvara.

The night opens my eyes

Nemam san da uhvatim,

I cannot catch any sleep

Nema dana da ne izgubim.

There aren't days when I don't lose

A hoću da te vodim ja,

I want to love you

Tragom sunca, jugom maslina,

With the trace of the sun, the southern olives (???)

To je dodir tvojih bedara.

That is the touch of your cloth

Moja duša, baš te voli,

My soul, loves you so


My dear one

I opet taj osećaj samoće,

And once again that feeling of loneliness

Kad neće nikog mene krene i hoće.

When no one is doing well, I am

I opet mrakom svoje pjesme bojim,

And once again I paint my songs with darkness

pijan od želje za usnama tvojim.

Drunk of the desire for your lips

Sav sam ti od ludila,

I am crazy

Nekako s proljeća.

Somehow with the spring

Sav sam ti od ludila,

I am crazy

Nekako s proljeća.

Somehow with the spring

Sav sam ti od ludila,

Sav sam ti od ludila, _ I am crazy

Bez tebe, s proljeca.

Without you, with/in spring

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