Translation of the song Nema vise vremena artist Crvena jabuka


Nema vise vremena

English translation

There Is No More Time Left

Djevojcice, djevojke, zene

Little girls, girls, women

Nocas pjevam za vas zaljubljene

Tonight I sing for those of you in love

Znate i vi refren stari sto su smislili mornari

You also know the old chorus that the sailors came up with

Dok su sirom svijeta cure ganjali

While they were chasing girls around the entire world

Znate i vi refren stari sto su smislili mornari

You also know the old chorus that the sailors came up with

Dok su sirom svijeta cure ganjali.

While they were chasing girls around the entire world

Daj mi, daj mi to

Give me, give me that

Sto si godinama cuvala

Which you have been hiding for years

Za svog nekog frajera

For some guy of yours

Koji nije mogao da saceka.

Who couldn't wait

Ja sam vec odavno sve dugove izmirio

I have paid my dues a long time ago

Sve cehova poplacao

All guilds paid out

I ljubiti naucio.

And I learnt how to kiss

Za koga si volim te

For whom did you I love you

Karminom napisala

Write with a lipstick

I reci cemu haljina

And say what is the dress for

Kad paklena je vrucina.

When it is burning hot

Kasno je za kajanja ...

It is too late for regrets

Nema, nema

There is no, there is no

Nema vise vremena

There is no more time left

Citav svijet pijan je

The whole world is drunk

Hajde samo ljubi me.

Come on, just kiss me

U julu si na moru

In July you are by the sea

A gdje si u decembru

And where are you in December

Kada snijeg sve prekrije

When the snow covers everything

I kad ti treba toplije.

And when you need more warmth

Sad sam se vratio

I have now returned

Sve sam luke prosao, i znam,

I have been to all the ports, and I know

Pocecemo stariti kad prestanemo ljubiti

We will start getting old when we stop kissing

Kasno je za kajanja.

It is too late for regrets

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