Translation of the song Ni zadnji, ni prvi artist Crvena jabuka
Ni zadnji, ni prvi
Neither The Last, Nor The First
Sve počinje da me vrijeđa
Everything is starting to get me down
Sjećanja sve su rjeđa
Memories are all paler
Puno toga ispod časti
A lot is beneath my dignity
Zagrljaji su bez strasti
Hugs are without passion
I bez čuđenja
And without (a sense of) wonder
Ne žalim se, draga moja
I'm not complaining, my dear
Ti ćes uvijek biti svoja
You will always be your own person
Ja ću mudro biti tvoj
I will wisely be yours
A moj život samo moj
And my life will only be mine
Do novog buđenja
Until a new awakening
Ref. (2x):
CHORUS (2x):
Nisam ja, vjeruj, ni zadnji ni prvi
I am, believe me, neither the last, nor the first
Što te voli, curice
To love you, girl
Al srce mi se polako mrvi, nosi ih
But my heart is slowly crumbling, take them away
To su tvoje mrvice
These are your crumbs
Na ulici sam sebe sreo
I have met myself on the street
Sam sebe psovo, kleo
And cursed and sweared at myself
Nema ljeta, nema zime
There's no summer, no winter
Ni moj život nema ime
And my life has no name
A ni prezime
And no surname either
Tebe volim očigledno
I obviously love you
Al nikad nismo bili jedno
But we two have never been one
Uspio sam uvjeriti sebe
I've managed to convince myself
Da ću pobjediti, ali bez tebe
That I will win, but without you
Ref. (2x)
Ref. (2x)