Translation of the song Oči su se navikle na mrak artist Crvena jabuka
Oči su se navikle na mrak
My eyes are used to the dark
Ne sjećam se tvog dodira
I don't remember your touch
Ni gitare što je svirala
Or the guitar that was playing
Ni vina u čašama
Or the wine in the glasses
Tješkoba me sebi uzela i odvela
Anxiety took me to itself, and took me away
Možda mi vjetar donese
Maybe the wind will bring me
Od tebe neki dobar znak
A good sign from you
Još sanjam tvoje naručje
I am still dreaming of your bosom
Oči su se navikle na mrak
My eyes are used to the dark
Kroz prozor gledaš oblake
Trough the window you are watching clouds
Što diraju naše krovove
The ones that are touching our roofs
Sve je stara fotografija
Everything is an old photograph
Miris nekih dragih datuma i sjećanja
The smell of some dear dates and recollections
Možda mi vjetar donese
Maybe the wind will bring me
Od tebe neki dobar znak
A good sign from you
Još sanjam tvoje naručje
I am still dreaming of your bosom
Oči su se navikle na mrak
My eyes are used to the dark
Noćas kiša boji ulice
Tonight the rain is coloring the streets
Hladne ruke traže džepove
Cold hands are looking for pockets
Čak i zvuk zadnjeg tramvaja
Even the sound of the last tram
Krije tajnu dragih datuma i sjećanja
Is hiding the secret of some dear dates and recollections