Translation of the song On je poput djeteta artist Crvena jabuka


On je poput djeteta

English translation

He is like a child

S peračima ulica je čekao zoru

With the street cleaners he awaited the dawn

Dole kod bašte kafane Visoko

Down there in front of the Café Visoko

Dva pospana oka na njenom prozoru

Two sleepy eyes on her window

I mokri brat na uglu je pjevao

And the wet brother sang in the corner

Par koraka dalje od njegovog rejona

Few steps away from his area

Sakupljala se ulična bagra

The street scum was getting togheter

A kad bi lagano prošao pijacom

When he would slowly walk trough the market place

Stražar bi dreknuo evo, ide magla, evo ide magla

The guard woul yell: Here comes the mist! Here comes the mist!



On je, on je poput djeteta

He is, he is like a child

Željan toplog kreveta

He wants a warm bed

Njega čeka draga žena

His dear wife is waiting for him

Noću usamljena, hladna

In the night alone, cold

Noć je hladna, noć je hladna, noć je ledena

The nights is cold, the night is cold, the night is ice cold

Znali su njega svi sitni banditi

He was known by all small bandits

Što po ulici bunare i pale

That hang around in the streets

Znao je njega i poslednji švercer

He was know by even the last smuggler

Dd Sebilja pa sve do Katedrale

From the Sebilj* all the way to the Cathedral**

I strahovali lokalni tablići

And the locals were scared

Što ne razlikuju kafu od droge

Those that don't know the difference between coffee and drugs

U ponoć kad zaviri u kockarske rupe

At midnight when he visits the gambling places

Evo ga ide, 'fataj se noge, 'fataj se noge

Here he comes! Grab your leg! Grab your leg!***



Pripazi taksiste i noćne šetačice

He watches the cab drivers and the night strollers

Po parkovima cijela četa ludaka

In the parks a whole bunch of crazy people

I kako da razlikuje mantil prolaznika

And how to differenciate the coat of a passer by

Od mantila nekog manijaka

From the coat of a maniac

A raport je redovan nad usnulim gradom

And police controll is regular in the sleepy town

I zora samo što nije svanula

And it is almost dawn

Zar ovo što vidiš nazivaš nadom

Do you call this what you see hope

Kad ih je bilo 100 na jednoga 100 na jednoga

When they were 100 vs 1, 100 vs 1



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