Femije kur isha me ndodhte shpesh
As a child, it often happened to me
Qe gjurin e njome ta vrisja nje cike
My young knee to hurt a little bit
Tek lozja e qeshja me hare ne shesh
At the game in the square while I joyfully laughed
Tek hyja ne jeten plote drite.
While I entered the life full of light.
U rrita e koha me ngriti ne kembe
I grew up, my time got me on my feet
E dashura kohe m’i dha gezimet lume
My dear time gave me joys plenty
Dhe nuk e dija se do t’I beja kenge
I didn’t know that I would sing to it
E do ta doja kaq shume.
And I would love it so much.
Jeten per ty e kam atdhe
My life is for you my fatherland
Per ty e kam cdo fjale, note e rresht
For you is my every word, score and verse
Sic rreh ne deje gjaku qe me dhe
Like the blood you gave me runs in my veins
Do rend dhe une ku ti me therret.
I will run too, wherever you call me.